You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset. -Tom Hopkins

Pursue Dreams Now

The much awaited workshop series. Pre-register now. Limited Slots Only.


In line with our Vision and Mission in resolving 80% human capital,  work-life productivity and dreams not achieved issues globally by 2030 because of technological change accompanied by talent shortages, mass unemployment and learning and skills gaps, we will help shape the future by reskilling and upskilling workforces and students by partnering with companies, campuses and communities to focus on solutions and implementations.

Reskilling and upskilling 2030. We have strategic, innovative and measurable solutions today up to year 2030 and beyond to keep the businesses and our economy to grow continuously and sustainably. The future is now.

Why Skills Upgrade are indispensable?

Company leaders are now recognizing that retraining or reskilling and upskilling of existing workers including themselves are assets and not liabilities. This is because the kinds of skills companies require will shift, with profound implications for the career paths individuals will need to pursue and to perform to achieve company’s vision, mission and realistic business metrics or output.

The digital transformation is continuously growing and expanding today and tomorrow. Do you know how to prepare for the future of work? Are you aware that 7 billion people needs reskilling and upskilling as researched by The World Economic Forum (

You and your team are part of the 7 Billion, and we should all take an action.

J’adore Voyager Workshops equip and empower the companies, campuses and companies to help our current and future generation on talent shortages, mass unemployment and learning and skills gaps. We have band-aid solutions & long-term fix.


Yes, we can work together in equipping and empowering Companies, Campuses and Communities. Together, let us shape the future.

Inquire now.

We are currently busy in prioritizing our exclusive partners, but we will definitely get back to you soon.

J’adore Voyager (I Love To Travel)—with Herica CH