My journey to Greyfriars Kirkyard made an impact in my work life that when I started working on a huge issue at work which seems impossible to fix, I did not give up. I was able to fix things with group efforts, and also by coming up with my own work formula: Talk. Strategize. Execute. — My mantra that worked for me in the corporate world and in my team now! How does it work?

  1. Talk – means “Discussion with Facts/Data” I ensure that I send everyone a brief and concise note about the issue and proposed solutions and will send them facts and data. It saves time, energy and effort, meaning saving company costs as well.
  2. Strategize – means “Strategies with Team Work”, we just don’t talk, we write things down and make plans so we have a documentation or business deck, including contingency plan of what could work and what not, which also saves time, energy and cost!
  3. Execute – means “Execution with Collaboration”, each one has a role and we support each other with no blame game, then if the first plan did not work we have a contingency plan, and if after exhausting everything but it still won’t work, we will start again from step 1 – Talk with facts/data!

My visit to Greyfriars Kirkyard left a lasting impact on how I handle challenges at work. When I faced a seemingly impossible issue, I didn’t throw in the towel. Instead, I rallied a team effort and developed my own work mantra: Talk. Strategize. Execute. It’s a formula that’s proven effective in the corporate world and within my team.

So, how does it work?

Talk: This involves discussions grounded in facts and data. I ensure everyone receives a concise brief outlining the problem and proposed solutions, backed by factual information. This not only saves time and effort but also cuts down on company costs.

Strategize: It’s about creating strategies through teamwork. We don’t just talk; we put our plans in writing, creating documents and business decks. Having contingency plans and alternatives not only saves time and energy but also minimizes costs.

Execute: Execution happens through collaboration. Each team member plays a role without blame games. If Plan A doesn’t work, we pivot to the contingency plan. And if all else fails, it’s back to Step 1—talking with facts and data.

Quick Facts: Greyfriars Kirkyard is renowned as the world’s most haunted graveyard due to ghostly encounters. Night tours often reported injuries among visitors after seeing the prison or mausoleum. I preferred exploring during the day when I traveled there.

Speaking of Harry Potter, spotting Tom Riddle’s (Lord Voldemort’s) name on a headstone felt surreal. It made me realize that the books and movies I cherished were brought to life right before my eyes.

Then there’s the tale of the loyal dog, Bobby, who faithfully guarded his master’s grave, capturing the hearts of many. People would bring food and other comforts for him. The Dog Aid Society commemorated him with a statue in 1981.

Here’s my insight—

In life, we sometimes feel inclined to surrender our dreams.
But taking a break to rejuvenate is key; giving up isn’t.
Remember JK Rowling’s perseverance in writing Harry Potter—Greyfriars is a tangible piece of that fictional world.
Believing in ourselves is crucial before inspiring others.
Understanding ourselves paves the way to balance.
It all starts with self-belief and finding solutions.
Never cease, never surrender. (or Never stop, never give up!)
I believed I could explore the world, complete my degree, and achieve my life and work goals. Then I make it happen.
I never stopped seeking ways to make things happen.
And now, I’m living my dreams. You can too—I believe in you.

J’adore Voyager (I Love To Travel)—with Herica CH