Celebrate Diversity

A J'adore Voyager Global Project

What is Celebrate Diversity Project?

In line with our Vision in resolving the 80% employability and work-life productivity issues because of technological change accompanied by talent shortages, mass unemployment, growing inequality, including learning and skills gaps, we will help shape the future by empowering companies, campuses and communities to focus on solutions and implementations.

J’adore Voyager Diversity Project + Workshop was born to bring awareness with long-term fix to companies, campuses and communities which will focus on reskilling and upskilling. 

Diversity means human differences. By understanding our uniqueness and individuality, we become more aware of our own then we become more aware of others, which helps sharpen our Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving Skills, Teamwork and other key skills needed in the workplace and community.

This campaign also supports and responds to The World Economic Forum’s call to action in reskilling and upskilling 7 billion people to prevent massive unemployment issues ( Considering millennials will soon be 50% of the workforce, we all need to understand cultural + generational differences and reskilling + upskilling.

Thank you for working with us in shaping the future. 

J’adore Voyager— Let’s Do Awesome Things Together

Celebrate Diversity In The Workplace



Yes, you can also be part of this project and workshop. Together, let us shape the future.

The Celebrate Diversity Campaign + Workshops are gifts we especially made for you, for Companies, Campuses and Communities—

Inquire now. 

We are currently prioritizing lined up projects and partnerships. We will respond to you shortly.

J’adore Voyager (I Love To Travel)—with Herica CH