What do you do to celebrate, honour, or show respect for a significant event, person, or team? Perhaps a special meal, a heartfelt letter, or a thoughtful token? And what about celebrating your own accomplishments? I find it fascinating how the French commemorate events or important figures with structures like the Arc de Triomphe, similar to the construction of statues honouring national heroes in the Philippines, such as Jose Rizal in Luneta Park. Recognizing heroes is crucial as it acknowledges their pivotal role in our history and freedom. But how can this practice be relevant in the corporate world? How do we consistently honour and appreciate our colleagues, teams, leaders, or the company itself?

Quick Workplace Tips: Sometimes, simple gestures like a post-it note expressing gratitude can make a colleague’s day and foster camaraderie in the workplace. If you feel undervalued, take the initiative to show your appreciation to others. However, maintaining balance is crucial. Know when to persevere and when it’s time to move forward because life is fleeting, and everyone deserves happiness.

Quick Facts:

1. The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, built between 1806 and 1808, stands at Place du Carrousel. It pays homage to Napoleon’s military victories and features statues by various artists commemorating historical figures.

2. The Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile, a central landmark at Place Charles de Gaulle, honors France’s fallen soldiers from the Napoleonic Wars and French Revolution. It stands at 164 feet tall, 148 feet wide, and 72 feet deep, housing the tomb of an unidentified soldier from World War I.

3. Unfortunately, history includes dark moments, such as German and Nazi forces marching under the Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile during wartime conflicts.

My Insight:

It’s crucial to honour significant events or individuals who have positively influenced society, whether through statues or tokens, as it demonstrates our respect and appreciation for their contributions.

Recognition holds significance in life. During my younger days, acknowledgment of my work felt rewarding. However, as I matured, my confidence in my accomplishments negated the need for external validation. While I don’t seek certificates or tokens now, fostering a habit of recognizing others allows us to spread love and happiness in the world.

J’adore Voyager (I Love To Travel)—with Herica CH