I absolutely love Bear Lake!

Also, I absolutely love my job and the corporate world. I thrive on achieving my goals and priorities, finding fulfilment when I get things done. But let’s face it, sometimes I struggle with finding that sweet spot between work and life. Yet, whenever I immerse myself in nature—soaking in the beauty and celebrating those moments—it’s like hitting a reset button. It leaves me eager to return to my work with a renewed perspective and a better grasp on work-life balance.

Chances are, you’re a bit like me, someone who either loves their work or might even be labelled a workaholic. But here’s the thing: just like computers or gadgets need a reset or a recharge, our bodies need that downtime too. When we give ourselves that amazing “me time,” we come back to work armed with fresh ideas and solutions that we never knew we had.
Remember, companies and leaders need that “me time” as well. It’s crucial to ensure you’re in a workplace that values your health because it’s not just about thriving at work; it’s also about ensuring your overall success.

Now, let’s talk about Bear Lake: Originally named Black Bear Lake by Donald McKenzie in 1819, an explorer from the North West Company, this lake has a rich history with the Native Americans being its first inhabitants. Bear Lake, a natural freshwater body over 250,000 years old, owes its unique turquoise color to the refraction of calcium carbonate (limestone), earning it the title of the “Caribbean of the Rockies.”

Here’s my take—Every now and then, it’s crucial to give yourself a break. Take that breather and step away. When you do, just explore your town or your neighbourhood. Watch the sunset, feel the wind on your face; it works wonders. Taking time off doesn’t always mean heading straight to Bear Lake, Mexico, or France; it could simply be binge-watching Netflix, hanging out with a friend, or gazing at the beautiful stars in the night sky.

J’adore Voyager (I Love To Travel)—with Herica CH