31 Leadership Hacks


I know how hard it is to be a leader, then, now and I am sure, in the future. I wrote 31 bite-sized leadership tips (#31Daysofleadership) that I hope would inspire and encourage those leaders who wants to be better at leading.

Read on, below. Oh! By the way, I don’t claim that I originally came up with all these, some are and some I got from my favorite authors and leadership experts.

Leadership Tip 1: Great leaders always put people before procedure. Procedures were built to enable people to perform better; not the other way around.

Leadership Tip 2: Great Leaders know this by heart: “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Touch the heart before you ask for the head and hand.

Leadership Tip 3: Great Leaders know that trust can also be given freely; and they do. They trust and allow their team members to do their thing; and they never count anybody out, at first glance.

Leadership Tip 4: Never ask of people who work under you, what you yourself would not ask twice as much of yourself. Great Leaders don’t just point, they take point.

Leadership Tip 5: Great leaders follow the Golden Rule, they do unto their subordinates, what they want their bosses to do unto them. They initiate good things for them, and they don’t delay this.

Leadership Tip 6: Great Leaders make sure they are a person their team members want to become someday. They become an aspiration rather than a cause of frustration.

Leadership Tip 7: Great Leaders always add value. That’s why they are learners by heart, they know that if they don’t learn, they don’t grow; if they’re not growing, they can’t add value.

Leadership Tip 8: Great Leaders consider principles and values sacred and immovable; everything else is up for challenge and change.

Leadership Tip 9: Great Leaders have a lot of know-hows; but they also do a lot of show-hows.

Leadership Tip 10: Leadership values are life values; corporate values are family values. What we stand for personally, should also be what we stand for professionally. Authenticity and consistency is what makes

Leadership Tip 11: Great Leaders are action-oriented; but they also spend time to think and meditate. They know that great things are created in the mind first, before they are put into action.

Leadership Tip 12: Great Leaders build their leadership capabilities and skills on a daily basis; because they know that it is only through others that they can do great work, in lesser time.

Leadership Tip 13: Life as a leader is difficult and frustrating; fuel your determination and passion with your purpose—only then will it be worth the effort.

Leadership Tip 14: Great Leaders bring their followers to a higher level; not the other way around. They uplift others and they also reach out and bring others to where they are.

Leadership Tip 15: Great Leaders are like steamrollers. No, they don’t run over other vehicles, they pave the road so that people can pass through it, better.

Leadership Tip 16: God gave humans two ears and one mouth for a purpose; to listen more than to talk. Great Leaders know they are never exempted from that.

Leadership Tip 17: It’s always better to nurture than to suture people. Words that build people up, is better than words that fix what has been said, out of haste and anger.

Leadership Tip 18: Companies or bosses don’t pay for your salaries—your customers do. Companies or bosses don’t cater to customers, your teams do. Ergo, taking care of teams, means taking care of customers.

Leadership Tip 19: Great Leaders don’t manage their TIME. They instead, manage their priorities and activities around the time they have.

Leadership Tip 20: Great leaders invest heavily in preparing and nurturing their next in line. Because they know they can never sustain success, without a successor.

Leadership Tip 21: Leading is not a job, it’s a calling; a privilege given to us by our Creator. Make it count.

Leadership Tip 22: Great Leaders push their teams in front when there’s recognition of accomplishments and they push themselves in front when danger is at hand.

Leadership Tip 23: Great leaders develop their character on a daily basis as if their lives depended on it; because they know it truly does.

Leadership tip 24: Change is inevitable, but growth is intentional. Great Leaders always prepare for the former and continuously push for the latter.

Leadership Tip 25: Great Leaders guard their thoughts; for thoughts mold their words; words that become actions; actions that become habits which eventually mold their character. Character that defines their destiny and the destiny of those they lead.

Leadership Tip 26: Great Leaders work on their personal development more than they do with their teams’. They believe that one cannot give what one does not have.

Leadership Tip 27: Timeless virtues such as Temperance, Prudence, Judgment, Courage, Compassion and Integrity are rare and highly valued, just like diamonds. Great Leaders possess and strive to possess these virtues in increasing quantities.

Leadership Tip 28: We often hear, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” Great leaders think differently, they don’t just do something, they sit (and think). Being busy and being productive are two different things.

Leadership Tip 29: Great Leaders are never limited to the resources they have; that’s because they know how to be resourceful.

Leadership Tip 30: God will always accept us for who we are, warts and all. But He loves us too much to leave us in the same state. Great Leaders do the same.

Leadership Tip 31: Great Leaders are abounding in knowledge, skills and capabilities. But they also exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Do you find any of these tips, helpful? Do you have your favorites? Please leave a comment; I’d love to know your thoughts.

For more thoughts and tips, follow the hashtags: #Leadingwhereyouare, #Leadingwithapurpose, #JeffManhTalks

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Jeff Manh
Inspirational Speaker | Leadership Coach and Consultant | Marshall Goldsmith SCC Certified Coach | LinkedIn Advocate
Published on November 12, 2018
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